Leave the 99 Ministries is building and distributing handmade wooden toys to children in Honduras, as well as to missions in Guatemala and Ethiopia, and to underprivileged and foster children in our own community. We have a group of Christian men and women who are building race cars, airplanes, trains, and doll cradles, and hand-crafting dolls and blankets for the cradles. Each item is made with love, the wooden toys are inscribed with a verse from scripture in the language of the children who will receive them, and every toy is prayed over before being given to the children.
We invite you to become involved physically, financially, and by praying for the ministry. The return on your investment is eternal.
Interested in going on a mission trip to Honduras? We would love to have you join us. Past trips have been a whirlwind – Thursday to Sunday – of wonderful ministry. Honduran lives are changed. American lives are changed. Seeing first-hand the smiling faces of the Honduran people who want to know Jesus; who have faith and joy despite extreme poverty and the hopelessness of their situation, touches and changes hearts. All hearts!
We minister in the “borders,” the shanty town that borders the river’s edge. There, “homes” are made of cardboard and sheet metal, with dirt floors, open fires for cooking, and buckets for toilets. We visit an orphanage, the children’s oncology ward to pray and sing over the patients, help with the lunch feeding program, give testimonies at church(s), teach a men’s and/or women’s conference, and pray with and for the people we encounter. We’ve even gone into the prison to give our testimonies!
Then, we take a few hours to refresh our spirits by visiting Lake Yojoa and the beautiful waterfall before participating in a Freedom Band crusade.
Whew… told you it was a whirlwind trip!
Your contributions make a world of difference to the kids of Honduras.
Phone: (239) 595-9824
Email: info@leavethe99.us
Copyright © Leave The 99 Ministries 2021