Update on Pastor Wilmer Godoy and the Ministry in Honduras
On September 5, a small group from New Hope Ministries (NHM) in Naples, FL made a five day trip to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. In anticipation of the trip, Barbara DeLeon actively spread the word among friends and members of NHM, and was able to collect donations to purchase 3 laptops and 4 Chromebooks, as well as clothing and shoes to take to Honduras.
Led by Dr. Patricia Hilliard, the team was able to visit and pray for the children in Dr. Carla’s oncology ward. Dr Patricia and Pastor Jesse Barrett preached at Pastor Wilmer’s church, as well as three additional churches, he and Barbara led worship and they all, along with other team members were able to share on several occasions.
Pastor Wilmer told the team how his people could build a simple church building for $5000 US dollars. His church has raised up 15 additional congregations (and more to come) throughout Honduras, and Central America. However, many do not have buildings and meet outdoors. Just prior to the trip, one of the team members had an unexpected blessing of exactly $5000, and was trusting God to show her how to use the funds. Upon hearing Pastor Wilmer share this, she immediately knew she was supposed to donate her $5000 for a new church building.
Another member of the team felt the Lord prompted her to give monthly toward the feeding program. Although this would be a major hardship, she was obedient and pledged a monthly amount to Pastor Wilmer. Upon returning to Naples, she was approached to accept additional work which Increased her wages FAR above the amount pledged. Additionally, when a friend heard this testimony, she matched the monthly donation. While Pastor Jesse was giving testimony about the trip and stating that he believes God will provide for a minimum of 10 buildings, another $10,000 was pledged. And, in the two and a half weeks following their return an additional $2500 has been given. Thank you Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide.
Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” NLT
After waiting nearly a year for their visas to be renewed, we can finally prepare to schedule Pastor Wilmer and his family to once again visit the US to share first hand how God is moving in Honduras.